Situation before the contract and client requirements
- Given the success of the first energy retrofit of the City of Ljubljana, the City has decided to undertake a second energy retrofit project to cover an additional 11 buildings that were not part of the first: primary schools, kindergartens, sports centers and municipal buildings.
- Resalta has entered a consortium with Petrol once again for this project, this time joined by Javna Razsvetljava, which will take care of all the lighting retrofits.
Resalta solution
The measures implemented will be similar to the first project, and include thermal envelope, HVAC systems and lighting renovations. Energy systems will be where possible replaced with renewable energy systems, and the project will also replace windows, doors and improve insulation, while also installing energy management systems and other tools for optimizing energy consumption.
The total investment is 4.8 million euros, with contract duration set at 15 years, during which the consortium will take care of operations and maintenance. The project is scheduled for completion by September 2019.