Energy efficiency
There are very many ways in which we can help our different clients achieve better energy efficiency. These depend on their energy needs and consumption, their priorities, their core business. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some basic steps that can be taken in many cases.
Energy consulting
We carry out energy audits identify potential and serve as a basis for making qualified decisions on the next steps that can be taken to improve energy efficiency. For each measure we indicate the energy/cost savings, the investment amount required, payback period, priority level of each measure and the possibility of acquiring available grants.
Energy management
The introduction of energy management systems allows clients to control and manage energy consumption. This is a measure that gives us a transparent and simple overview of all energy and financial flows in real time. The automated collection and processing of data improves the reliability and quality of energy management systems, which consequently results in more efficient energy consumption.
Thermal and electrical savings measures
In many cases, we can achieve up to 50% or more electrical energy savings and reduce maintenance expenses simply by replacing obsolete technological equipment.
Besides the replacement of boilers, chillers and other equipment with more energy efficient technology, the following solutions help further reduce costs:
- Improved metering and billings systems
- Compensation of reactive power
- Introduction of surveillance and regulation of peak electrical power
- Energy-efficient lighting
- Accumulation of cooling energy
- Exploitation of waste heat
- Thermal insulation of buildings
- Replacing windows and doors with more energy efficient ones
- Automatic regulation of temperature in premises, according to specific needs
Ruvela – Bulgaria
Ruvela is a family-run company based in Sofia, that trades with small dairy producers and supplies large retail chains.
Plantaže – Montenegro
Plantaže AD, the largest winery in the region and one of the most famous, had very high energy costs.
Iskratel - Slovenia
Iskratel is a leading European provider of communications solutions with over 900 employees and local presence in more than 30 countries. Its headquarters are located in Kranj, Slovenia.
Renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources are at the heart of what we do, and a major component of most of our solutions. Here is an overview of some of the renewables most often used in Resalta’s projects.
Biomass is a renewable and CO2-neutral source of energy, which enables energy self-sufficiency. Taking into account the cost of energy, the transition to biomass can create significant savings compared to other forms of heating and is especially useful for businesses that have a year-long need for heating.
Biomass boilers are particularly well suited for industrial facilities, retirement homes, schools, kindergartens, hotels and sports facilities. By installing such biomass-powered systems we can easily ensure financial savings and reduce environmental impact.
Solar panels exploit the sun’s radiation and turn it into useful heat. This heat is stored in heat storage tanks and is available for heating buildings or sanitary. Besides bringing financial benefits, solar panels can significantly reduce carbon footprints, although they are best suited for regions with continuous sunny weather.
Heat pumps utilizing surrounding energy
The installation of heat pumps to heat buildings and sanitary hot water enables savings where various solutions are available, depending on the medium in question. Heat pumps can significantly reduce the cost of heating buildings and represent a renewable energy source. If reversible heat pumps are used, then cooling can also take place. For simultaneous heating and cooling, we use polyvalent heat pumps with high efficiency rates.
Cogeneration of heat and power
Specialized equipment exists that can use fuel such as biomass to generate both thermal and electric energy at once, making it a highly efficient solution for many types of clients. These CHP units can range from small ones that can provide energy to nursing homes, to whole plants that can power entire communities.
Weiler Maribor Solar Power Plant - Slovenia
A solar power plant with an installed capacity of 805.95 kWp was installed at the end of 2023 on the Maribor, Slovenia.
Interpet Sales & Distribution Solar Powerplant - Romania
Interpet Sales & Distribution has chosen Resalta to develop 70 kWp ground mounted solar PV plant in Tartasesti.
Schools in the City of Pirot – Serbia
The City of Pirot announced a public tender in order to lower heating costs in four schools and improve efficiency.
Large scale heat and power projects
Besides energy efficiency projects, Resalta also develops and carries out large-scale sustainable energy generation projects, generally exceeding 5MW in capacity.
Methane from biogas, a natural byproduct of sewage treatment, landfill and animal-waste facilities, is a ready source of renewable energy.
Rather than burning this gas, which consumes energy and increases local emissions, Resalta can help commercial and public facilities use this biogas as a form of renewable energy.
Landfill gas
We design, build, maintain and operate renewable energy plants for facilities near landfills. These renewable energy projects safely divert landfill gas through extraction wells and pipe it to a landfill-gas-to-energy plant, where it is cleaned before specialized engines convert it to energy for use by the facility and, in many cases, the nearby community.
Cogeneration of heat and power
Resalta helps customers and communities harness the potential of biomass energy by building power and cogeneration facilities that cleanly burn renewable waste to fuel specialized engines that generate power and heat.
Large-scale heat pumps
The thermal power of rivers as well as wells and other underground bodies of water can be to produce heat for consumers in cities, district heating and private clients.
Wellness Hotel Harrachov - Czechia
The installation of a new 200 kW cogeneration unit in Wellness Hotel Harrachov.
Oberon – Bulgaria
Oberon-H Ltd is one of the first food industry companies in Bulgaria for importing, packaging and trading pulses and honey. The product portfolio of the company includes a wide range of products including jams, sauces, preserves etc.
Aquapalace a.s.
New cooperation with Aquapalace with the installation of an electric boiler, which extends to the overall energy management of the system.
Sustainability and energy efficiency are widely recognized as principles that companies and public institutions include in their long-term strategies and goals. However, besides often lacking the know-how to implement and realize energy efficiency projects, many of our clients also lack the required funds to dedicate to this particular goal. This is why we have two financing models, one for the private sector and one for the public sector, which we apply in each and every single one of our projects, making sure our clients never spend a dime out of their own pocket.
The ESCO model
The term ESCO stands for energy service company. The model allows companies like Resalta to carry out energy services without the clients having to invest their own capital into the projects.
Using the ESCO model, we carry out the energy audit of your facilities, propose a solution, implement, operate and maintain it, but most importantly we provide the financing so that you can keep focused on your core business.
We guarantee results, and clients repay us from the achieved savings.
Learn more about the ESCO model >>
Public-private partnerships
Public-private partnerships (PPP) are in essence the ESCO model applied to public institutions. The public partner publishes a tender seeking a private partner for an energy renovation, be it for lighting, biomass, cooling, or any other energy need. The private partner proposes a solution, and if the tender is granted, takes on the entire project from beginning to end. This means providing all the financing, construction work and implementation, and maintenance for the duration of the contract signed.
All risks are taken on by the private partner which guarantees savings to the public partner. The investment is repaid to the private partner from the savings achieved.
Livar, Črnomelj – Slovenia
Following the realization of Resalta’s energy efficiency project in Livar’s Ivančna Gorica facilities, an energy audit showed that the Črnomelj site had an even bigger potential for savings.
Mercator – Serbia
Mercator’s retail centers throughout Serbia are relatively inefficient, dependent on district heating and have obsolete lighting systems.
City of Kruševac – Serbia
Kruševac is a city in southern Serbia, as well as the seat of a wider administrative area with 128,000 inhabitants. Its public lighting infrastructure is outdated and the city has published a tender for a public private partnership to renovate the systems.