Reduce your energy costs
Our goal is to identify, finance and implement the right solutions that will allow our clients to minimize their energy costs, optimize their production processes where applicable and achieve the highest possible amount of savings.
Resalta can reduce your energy costs in fields as varied as heating, cooling, electricity consumption, lighting, steam production and many more.
Finance your energy renovation project
Every client we speak to is very keen on becoming more energy efficient and more sustainable, but many lack the resources needed to invest into the required projects. We finance projects on behalf of our clients, whether public or private, who then repay us from the savings they achieve.
From the first day the project is operational, our clients enjoy a certain percentage of the savings, without having spent a single cent from their own budget. Once the contract with Resalta expires, they can enjoy the full amount of savings generated by the project.
Reduce CO2 emissions
The vast majority of our solutions are dependent on renewable energy sources. Making the transition from fossil fuels to renewables is one of the fastest ways to achieve both savings and improved efficiency, not to mention to attain your green goals.
Even in cases where this transition has already been partially made, new advances in technology mean that better and more efficient solutions are always available.
Lowered CO2 emissions have a positive impact on the environment and on the life quality of the communities in which you are based.
Develop your renewable energy project
Fully committed to preserving the environment for future generations and furthering green growth, we develop large scale renewable energy projects in a wide variety of fields: combined heat and power, biogas plants, landfill gas plants, heat pumps exploiting surrounding energy, and more.
We put our considerable expertise to use by finding the most optimal projects to be developed and implemented in each location, so as to exploit the natural resources in the most energy efficient and sustainable way.
Besides developing projects, we finance them, implement them, undertake construction and once completed, also take care of operations and maintenance.